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The collective prejudice against beef-eating Dalits in Malaysia

Latest From Periuk

Beef peratal

A celebratory curry

Beef peratal

Sambal tempoyak daun kayu

Cassava shoots in a thick gravy

Sambal tempoyak daun kayu

Tempoyak ikan patin

A classic Pahang dish

Tempoyak ikan patin

The ultimate guide to tempoyak

A guide to tempoyak

The ultimate guide to tempoyak


Beef peratal
Sambal tempoyak daun kayu
Tempoyak ikan patin
Deep-fried okra
Taucu fish
Semomok sambal
Kari kaja’ siyok (chicken feet curry)
Chicken pineapple curry
Huan chu heok masak lemak
Chai poh tofu

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