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Hu chee rumpah (Sambal-stuffed fried fish)
Singapore mee siam
Char swee (Stir-fried cucumber in vinegar)
Roti babi
Kuih talam
Banana heart kerabu
How my grandma’s recipes bridged a 10,000km, 20-year gap
Acar hu
Tau eu bah
Granny’s chicken pongteh
Kangkung belacan
Hu chee rumpah (Sambal-stuffed fried fish)
Singapore mee siam

Singapore mee siam

A dish with many styles, this variation amps up the savoury kick with a lot of taucu and kucai.

Char swee (Stir-fried cucumber in vinegar)

Char swee (Stir-fried cucumber in vinegar)

Cooking cucumbers isn’t a novel method. This excellent Nyonya recipe shows us a tangy application for weeknight meals.

Roti babi

Roti babi

Serve this kopitiam favourite at your next gathering, full of East-meets-West flavours and textures.

Kuih talam

Kuih talam

Looking to get into kuih-making? Talam is an excellent beginner recipe to pick up essential kuih-making skills.

Banana heart kerabu

Banana heart kerabu

Rather than raw, this kerabu includes cooked elements that result in something like a masak lemak.

How my grandma’s recipes bridged a 10,000km, 20-year gap

How my grandma’s recipes bridged a 10,000km, 20-year gap

A tale of generational love, immigration and belonging told through a hulking pile of hand-written recipe notes.

Acar hu

Acar hu

This Nyonya-style fish pickle ticks all the tasty flavour boxes: tangy, fatty, savoury, sweet.

Tau eu bah

Tau eu bah

Grandma Ong incorporates spices not found in the original recipe, bringing a Nyonya punch to this crowd favourite.

Granny’s chicken pongteh

Granny’s chicken pongteh

The slow braise of ingredients in this pong teh coax out every bit of flavour—it’s worth splurging on good chicken and soy sauces.

Kangkung belacan

Kangkung belacan

This is quite possibly the best version of kangkung belacan we’ve tried—spicy, briny and still-crunchy.


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