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With folks back to working in an office and kids back in school, weekends are just that little bit more precious. It’s a time to wind down, to re-centre oneself, and spend quality time with family and friends. Browse our collection of braised dishes here, or take a look at some of our favourite picks below:

Yellow chicken gulai

Chicken pieces sit in a yellow gravy, all nestled in a pink-brown bowl on a steel-grey surface.
Photo: Michelle Yip, Bowl: Ilham Ceramic Studio

Alya’s unfussy braise is perfect for lunch that’s not too heavy, with a good amount of coconut milk to temper any potential heat from the chillies. Serve it with white rice and fried tempeh or fried tofu to soak up the gravy.

Eurasian braised tongue

Slices of braised beef tongue are nestled in a green-brown bowl, on a wooden table.
Photo: Michelle Yip, Bowl: Ilham Ceramic Studio

In Deborah’s family, this dish is served for special occasions like Christmas or after sunset mass. We’re big fans of serving this dish to make any day a special holiday. Not sure if offal is your thing? We promise you that tongue is the most innocuous-tasting—it’s basically a fatty cut of muscle.

Vegetarian rice porridge

A chunky porridge is served in a large pink bowl. A ladle is holding up a serving.
Photo: Michelle Yip, Bowl: Ilham Ceramic Studio

This porridge is usually served at Zhu Lin Jing Yuan Temple in Melaka for Chinese New Year, but it makes a wonderfully comforting dish any time. Studded with umami-rich ingredients, it’s worth preparing for a rainy weekend.

See more:  braise, lists

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