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Deep-fried okra
Tebaloi (Coconut-sago crackers)
Sausage buns
Herby chicken liver pâté
Deep-fried tapioca
Tapioca fritters
Fried popiah
Deep-fried okra
Tebaloi (Coconut-sago crackers)

Tebaloi (Coconut-sago crackers)

A perfect not-too-sweet snack to add to your array of CNY treats.

Sausage buns

Sausage buns

Make the nostalgic Chinese bakery classic at home.

Herby chicken liver pâté

Herby chicken liver pâté

Bring chicken liver pâté to Malaysia by infusing it with the hallmark flavours of the region.

Deep-fried tapioca

Deep-fried tapioca

Quick, cheap, and filling, these tapioca chips are a fantastic treat for all ages.

Tapioca fritters

Tapioca fritters

These savoury fritters are crispy, crunchy, and perfect for a late afternoon pick-me-up. Best served with chilli sauce.

Fried popiah

Fried popiah

Clear an afternoon to make a stack of these snacks for a party, kept as an emergency stash, or given to the neighbours.


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